1. Approach altar after pastor says the thanksgiving.
2. Select either the wine tray or challis. The acolyte will follow with the basket.
3. Pastor will lead with the bread followed by the tray, the challis, and then the basket.
4. Say “the blood of Christ, shed for you” to each communing member.
5. The person with the challis should watch the tray (before them in order) for members who decline a small cup and then offer them the challis with the same words “the blood of Christ, shed for you”. Use the wiping cloth on the challis after and continue.
6. Wait for the pastor to complete a blessing for each “table” (set) of communicants. Stand behind the altar at this time, and then start again in order with the new “table” (set).
7. When complete with the congregation, gather at altar and place wine back there. Pastor will offer servers (you) first bread, then wine. At that point, one of the servers will break a piece of bread off and offer pastor it with “the body of Christ broke for you” and the challis with “the blood of Christ, shed for you”.
8. Return to your seat.