Worship service starts at 9:15 AM every Sunday morning.
We are a fairly relaxed worshipping community; many wear jeans and the suit and tie would be a bit much outside of Christmas Eve and Easter. At Hope we are comfortable in most ways.
There are kids in worship, and they enhance our relationship with God with their acclamations of joy and keep us running at times. There is a volunteer staffed nursery for use when needed or desired. Following worship from Labor Day to mid-May there is Sunday School for pre-K through High School with periodic adult study or presentations. Every week we fellowship together with coffee and snacks after worship.
Currently we use Setting Eight of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal (ELW or cranberry) for Sunday worship, and use a variety of settings of evening prayer for Wednesday gatherings (usually in Lent).
We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday, unless Pastor is away and we are led by a member of the Worship Team. All are welcome at our Lord’s Table.